
Monday, May 02, 2005


The mice, I mean. I always keep a notebook and two pens beside my computer. Ditto by the side of my recliner, and ditto by the fax. Oh yes, and one pen and small notebook hanging on a hook at the side of my fridge to use as a shopping list, and of course I keep a pen in my bag with the current shopping list when I go out so I can tick off each thing when bought. So why do I reach for a pen and there isn't one, let alone two, where they should be? Fair enough, I frequently drop things but know when and where, and can usually pick them up immediately with my picker-upperer. And I ALWAYS put things where they are supposed to be.

Pens - I buy them by the dozen, make sure the spare ones are kept in a drawer with various other necessities, ie staple refills, extra sellotape - etc. When a pen runs out of ink, it gets chucked in the bin and a new one added. So where to all the missing ones go? After finding one by the side of the toilet - and what would I need a pen there for, and another sticking out from under the washing machine, it must have been those pesky critters at it yet again!

Losing the odd pen (or three) isn't really that important after all. It was the sock that really had me in fits of laughter. I had just taken a load of washing out of the dryer when someone knocked and the door AND the phone rang. After finishing with the visitor and the phone call, I took the basket of dry clothes into my bedroom to put everything away. And a sock was missing. I know it went into the washing machine and then into the dryer, so where was it? Checked the dryer - empty. Ditto the washing machine.

I did find it eventually, half way down one of the mouseholes which they always manage to re-open, even though at one stage the hole was blocked with a handful of concrete that the guy who was building my outside ramp brought in and pushed into the hole.

Since when did mice need socks?


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