
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Wot, no water?

OK, so I don't surface that early, but this morning there seemed to be an unsually large number of cars going to the macolet across the road. Opened the shutters to have a look, and everyone was lugging out cartons of - what? - to their cars. I soon found out when I went to the loo. The water was off. Again. The macolet rapidly sold out their stock of bottled, and the usual panic was on. Again. Not that it bothered me, as I have a water machine and get two (or more) 20 litre bottles delivered every four weeks. And at other times if I need extra water.

The water eventually came on about 3.30pm and was I pleased to be able to flush the loo! The fact that I had needed to use a load of bleach each time the loo was used is beside the point - but then again, I don't know what stank worse, the un-flushed loo or the bleach. Small Dog doesn't care - after all I put bottled mineral water in her bowl the reasoning being is that I won't drink tap water, neither should she.
There is NOTHING wrong with the water here - when it is on, but I'm allergic to the purifying stuff the Water Company puts in it. I can smell chlorine a mile away, let alone taste it.

This time I was lucky - last time the water went off my washing machine was half way through a wash. And the time before that? I was in the middle of a shower, covered in lovely scented bubbles..............and no water to rinse them off. Icky.


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